Design Studio 1 - Intervention and Alternative present

Through this class we talked about how to reflect on our previous learning and insight from our interventions. And how to move forward with our projects, how to align our interventions in a way that it will create the outcome we are striving for at the end of our masters.

My key learning from the conversations I had through Design Dialogues is that we have to open our own eyes first to be able and see, why my project is important for kids, why is this necessary to teach them and to elaborate on with them. So this is something I want to move forward in this semester. Another learning is how many small points are included in our every day systems which can have a serious impact on kids and their way of decision making in the future, so I have to specifically focus on some of those. I got these insights through the action framework I created for the fest. Furthermore reading that, I left space for the readers / dialogue participants to leave marks there and express their opinions about: What are the most emergent problems the currently youngest generation will tackle with? And a trigger: How do you use your built environment? Do you think they see it the same way as you?

The framework looked like this:

For these insights I started to prepare my final interventions during the spring break, which will consist of the workshop series with the Barcelona Montessori School about spatial awareness and co-designing methods, where we will work closely with the teachers, the designers of the new school and maybe at the end with the parents as well. Such as a seemingly more long-term intervention, which is the ideal framework of my research project, a bottom up start but later on top down initiative where we start the building of a new public spaces with participatory workshop with the local kids in a suburb next to Budapest in Hungary.

In these alternative presents, which my interventions create, kids are equal citizens with us, they know their ideas matter and adults are aware of their eye-level. Where they grow up in a way that they know how to lead the world to a right way, because their ideas were always included and due to that they are aware of the impact of their decisions.