Communication and brand purpose

1st class

Communication through communication. Through this class we talked through a lots of ways of communicating yourself, your brand - which is kind of the same. Or at least yourself is the starting point for every ways of communication and of communicating about anything.

Kate drove us through many brands which are inspiring ways of showing what they are fighting for, how can we cut ourselves from the cliché and over-talked creation of brand identity and brand vision. A good example was the brand of Oatly, with a very chaotic website, kind of what is in their heart its on their mouth way of showing what they are fighting for with their costumers and with the same people as them.

So studying by this, we also got a quick tool from Kate to establish an strong base of communicating ourselves. Two “logs” about us holding our challenge, and if those logs are stable and honest it is sure that our challenge is going to be held and able to reach others as well.

At the end of the class, after building our strong and hones base, we were asked to create our own brand identity canvas in a way that it can develop with our fights and with us in the remaining parts of the year. Here you can see my assignments:

2nd class

By this class we studied about how to form our brand identities. This class we strengthened it with very quick actions and a lots of brainstorming.

We got our task at the beginning. Create a project in groups, which would solve or deal with a challenge/problem that is important for us. Based on that project we had to fill in canvases very similar to be able and pitch pitch our ideas. The pitch took place in our MDEF classroom Shark tank (and our imaginary pitch platforms, the most ideal to our target group and our project).

The frame of the pitch was free, it could be an elevator pitch, an engaging process or a game. It could be a presentation or just a speech, but with an artifact that represents our challenge or engages our target group.

I was in a team with Angel and we our project was the first ever co-created museum thats shows each people’s own realities.

What we took with us from this really quick, intense and effective class:

  • Act and don’t overthink and over-talk
  • be clear and fast
  • KISS
  • always ask and engage with and from others