My 1st design review

So this trimester we will have exactly 3 design reviews about our interventions, and a lot more when we can go to our lecturers freely, such as to Dafni and to Thomas Vivanco.

On a design review we can talk about our:

  • progress
  • ideas and new ideas
  • iterations and doubts

We can ask questions…

  • about anything

The more the better…

And we can just shout for help, maybe because…

  • we are lost in everything
  • we are lost in something
  • we don’t know we are lost, but its time to reveal that

But on this first design review I didn’t have a clear agenda what to ask about. I had more questions I could remember. Just after a few weeks of arriving to Barcelona, I could ask dozens of questions about everything, the city, the community, the course, the people and turned out it is totally fine, it is a free space to talk and the more you ask the more we can bring out of it.

Then we discussed a really clear topic with Kate, the one who was my first helper in my fight. The really clear topic was the fact that I came here to this master with a kind of clear fight (of course it was clear that time and not anymore). I had doubts about the fact that I really came to this course to be able and find the problems and maybe some solutions together with experts from many field, with a neighbourhood and school with a community who are interested in my topic and with my fellow classmates, who are coming from many fields with many different perspectives about this kind of challenge as a designer or as a part of their neighbourhood about a defined question.

I was confused, If I should forget about it for now… and I learnt a really important thing from Kate. When you have something defined in your hand, what you are really passionate about, forgetting and leaving that is never a good thing. I have to keep this fight in my mind all the time, bring it with me everywhere but also stay opened for everything else, the everything else can be a tool or a new iteration to my fight and even if I leave it, it will be there all the time to bring it back if its needed.

Today 3 months later… I can say it is still here with me but having my new sides and more questions (maybe also doubts) than ever before.