Designing for the next billion seconds

How might we explore problems, find solutions, and get aquatinted with the world we don't know at all, in such a far future? First of all, it is not so far, actually 1 billion second is 31.69 years. Secondly, by speculating nothing is too far - nor the near future, neither the further future.

In the near future we can easily think about patterns, which are created and strongly connected to our present, just think about the butterfly affect.

In the the further future we can speculate events based on present events, but saturated with our imagination, our kind of scientific imagination.

  • But what is FUTURE? A very long awaited question came to our class, it was something we had to hear from each-other, to know on what kind of concept we are working on all together?
  • For me future is something that is created by all of our present realities and to know more about it, I would love to know more about different realities of people, to be able and know more about the so called future.

“By evolving from presenting the yesterday to also being a platform for tomorrow…”
  - IAM

To talk about future we also have to define what is time. …Or not? For that we studied about circadian rhythm and different research concepts, which are exploring our connection to time based on this topic.

For me time is: It is abstract, right?
As far as I'm concerned, for me it's certainly, that I literally cannot manage it.
  I have every kind of possibility to manage it, from my watch, to the many kind of calendars I have, and to the people who surrounds me and connects me to time by their invitations, events and their rhythms.
And yet it seems like I fail with time almost every day… it is faster than me, it is more prudent than I am.
  I can say with confidence it is not connected to any products of mine, it goes without them.
  However I can’t understand time from my watch or the calendar. I can understand it when a see my mom’s hands, my nephews height, the wooden structure on our house or how small my city became since I last saw it.

We had many conversations, like the above mentioned ones, we talked through many abstract questions and not so abstracts as well, since André asked us to check in with 2 thoughts every day. The thoughts were about books we read, learnings we had or just how do we feel in these times. These were all imprints of the present.

Just like the task where we had to write a postcard to someone in 1990 from the present.
  I wrote to my grandpa, who was a researcher at Cern at the Alice project and whose aim was always to know more about the future in the present, although he is not here in the present anymore maybe he knows more about it than us:

  • I wrote about how he imagined the our ‘current future’
  • How his life was aligning with some weak signals we are studying about
  • And connected his work to the article Andres sent us about the Great Silence

In the next few days as a collective in interdependent groups we were collectively speculating futures in the next billion seconds.
First we speculated our daily routines in 2050, by two different perspectives: 

It was really interesting to see the tension, how far can we go with our speculations, can it be future that is impossible to resonate with today, our should we think about more grounded concepts, since 2050 is not so far today. Or is it?

Banner picture credits: Collage assets remixed from Speculative Everything & Felix Kramer - Bristlers