The Field first class

Through these series of classes we studied about curational methods, while applying them to our own projects. We curated everything, even our curation to start thinking in small scale and later on bigger umbrellas.

Why umbrellas? Because that is a tool which collects people, things under it easily and then shows the relations of them in a clear straight way for others.

For being able to collect things, people and topic under many umbrellas Daniel brought us closer to our own projects and the view of it outside of the researcher cap, with the eyes of a viewer.

For the first class we had to curate a ‘mini exhibition’ through our individual collection, which showed our own project and two references connected to it.

My mini collection consist of:

  • The Fridays for Future movement: as the aspect of my research to give voice to kids
  • The living with your own ideas picture: the aspect of seeing and experiencing as kids do
  • The main picture of my project, Crosshabit: with all the elements of it

This class was held online, with having a theoretical and a physical part, because Daniel was abroad at this time. Just like me, I had to go home for some doctor appointments, so I followed the class online and at the end teamed up for a common curation, with some of the folks who were also away, but by the help of Daniel’s facilitated curational methods we were able to see ourselves as one team and create our own umbrella. This was our first presentation for the second class as a team of Relearning environments: