The field - 3rd and 4th class

Through the 2nd and 3rd class we presented our joint top level groups and then formed even bigger one, through the scale of locating them in different environments, for the some kind of semi final curating plan for MDEFest. Furthermore it was in person with all the exhibitors, the mdef folks and our mindset curator, Daniel in the same country at the same class room.

As a design researcher it was interesting to see how Daniel clustered us through many different gamified methods. And through curating, giving themes to every little space that surrounds us, from our names to every kind of objects around us, by personalising them.

The first activity was the ice-breaker of our themes and the creation of higher top joint levels.

We had to choose a piece of abstract object and relate it to our research project. Mine was this huge leftover plexi sheet with a lots of laser cut shapes in it. It represented the playfulness of seeing through different perspectives:

And here you can see the lofi “prototype” of our MDFest:

Through these activities we created post its of our thoughts, later on put the post it of our thoughts to new thoughts and through clustering, clustering and clustering we arrived to the final point of deciding on a title and a subtitle for the fest.

This last activity was an ongoing one in the coming up weeks, as finding such an easy way of presenting our lives one of the most complicated year was not easy tu put under one umbrella.